Tel: (+34) 619281862
Produccions Aïllades

THE DREAMED SHORE, a dramatized reading of Isolated Productions

Isolated Productions has already premiered, very successfully, the dramatized reading «The dreamed shore. Walter Benjamin in Sant Antoni» ,directed by RamonMayol.

Thus, Produccions Aïllades puts into circulation a new dramatized reading and this time brings us closer to the figure of the German philosopher and critic Walter Benjamin, with the actor Miguel Vingut as the only protagonist of a text adapted by Carlos Garrido based on the book by Vicente Valero «Experience and poverty. Walter Benjamin in Ibiza».

Walter Bendix Schönflies Benjamin (Berlin, 15 de julio de 1892 – Portbou, 26 de septiembre de 1940) was a philosopher, Literary critic, German translator and essayist of Jewish origin. His thought includes elements of German Idealism or Romanticism., of historical materialism and Jewish mysticism that allow him to make lasting and influential contributions to aesthetic theory and Western Marxism.. His thought is associated with the Frankfurt School.

en 1932, during the crisis before Hitler took power, Walter Benjamin was on the island of Ibiza. He does it on two occasions and on the first of them he stayed in the same house in sa Punta des Molí where the dramatized reading takes place..

«The dreamed shore. Walter Benjamin in Sant Antoni», reconstructs the writer's Ibizan period, in love with the island, and the great influence it had on his life and work.


Dramatized reading

«The dreamed shore. Walter Benjamin in Sant Antoni»

Based on the book by Vicente Valero «Experience and poverty. Walter Benjamin in Ibiza»




Tel. 619 281862
