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Bartomeu Ribes (Eivissa, 1959) he began to publish his Vint-i-cinc poemes illencs (1979), but it's not until the turn of the century, after a long period of silent learning, when his most conclusive books appear, demanding and personal to the limit: Agrupament de la peresa (2001), Illa de Formentera Award, equally; Temps, pintura mental (2002); Letàrgic (2004); Fugida en groc i Llengua mortal, both appeared the year 2005; Línia de flotació (2007), Vila de Martorell Poetry Prize, past year; Recomençaments (2008); Bellumes (2010); con Edicions aïllades, Conhort i malanança per al diluït recipient del llamp (2012), un e-book que inauguraba la col·lecció Ones de Poesia; The notices (2016); Disabilities [Argument proposal] (2018). Además, with Toni Roca, Public Correspondence (2013), and the same year in the celebration of the centenary of the father of local letters, appeared Marià Villangómez: literary routes. Algunos de sus poemas han sido musicados por Projecte Mut y por Mon (Ramon Mayol,) & Susan Rozsa. He has also been in charge of making the selection of the poetic anthology of Toni Roca, good friend and teacher of yours, recently appeared and titled Against self-destruction (2020). The month of March 2020, in full confinement, edita Priap on the island in white, what makes up the volume number 14 de la colección Ones de poesia (EDICIONS AÏLLADES).

in March 2024 publica la 2ª edición de Conhort i malanança per al diluït recipient del llamp. El poemario incluye un enlace a la canción de Mon&MarCel basada en los poemas ‘El penjaty ‘Xiu-xiu


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