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Pere Amorós i Pla

Pere Amorós i Pla

He was born in Barcelona last year 1948. He is also a retired writer. He studied at the Virtèlia Schools in Barcelona. His apprenticeship, in addition to translator and writer, He was an industrial engineer and worked as a director at La Maquinista terrestre i Marítima and at a school of engineers in Barcelona..

Pere Amorós as a born traveler, along with his wife and daughter, they have traveled the five continents. He lives in the town of Santa Eulària des Riu d’Eivissa. He collaborates with the Josep Carreras Foundation, the Spanish Association Against Cancer, The Action against Hunger and the charity of Caritas, sent- volunteer since the year 1986. Besides, is a member of the Institut d’Estudis Eivissencs. Has written In the shade of a juniper (Ibosim, 2006) i I can't walk, but you help me… (Edimurtra, 2016).

With the stone shot in the dark he writes 50 cards, more than anything to remind us of the validity of its recipients, who have done so much good in the service of the humanity.

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