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el martes, 2 In March a new meeting of the Santa Eulària del Riu Reading Club takes place with ‘A season to whistle’ by Ivan Doig. An enjoyable read that helps uncover the life of authentic Montana cowboys of the early 20th century.

definitely, ‘A season to whistle’ is a well-written novel, with endearing characters and focused on the value of education, as a tool for social and personal structuring. A deserved tribute to the delivery of many teachers of rural unitary schools, like Morris, who in very complicated conditions knew how to educate so many hundreds of students humanely and scientifically. But there is more. Doig tenderly describes life in these small towns in the American West and the intimate and deep feelings of child and adolescent characters, like Paul, that begin to make their way in a world that is not easy.

Ivan Doig born in 1939 en White Sulphur Springs (Montana), within a family of settlers and ranchers of Scottish origin. After the premature death of his mother, he was raised by his father and grandmother on different ranches in the state., but never leaving Montana, constant source of inspiration for most of his novels and essays. Doig, Graduated in Journalism and History, He worked as a farmer and worked in the Forest Service before becoming an editor and regular contributor to newspapers and magazines.

en 1979 his first work appeared, This House of Sky: Landscapes of a Western Mind, an autobiographical text inspired by his younger years, who would become a finalist for the National Book Award, and which would be followed by a long list of works, narrative and non-fiction, mostly inspired by rural Montana life and its breathtaking landscapes. Among his production, the three novels that make up the McCaskill Trilogy stand out. (English Creek,Dancing at the Rascal Fair yRide with me, Mariah Montana), a complex fictional cycle spanning one hundred years in the history of the state of Montana; Bucking the Sun (1996);Mountain Time (1999) and a season to whistle (2006; Asteroid Books, 2011). His realistic prose and intimately linked to history, the nature and landscape of his native land has made him one of the best contemporary chroniclers of the American West, in the wake of authors of the stature of Wallace Stegner or Norman Maclean.



Reading Club Santa Eulalia

‘A season to whistle’

De Ivan Doig

Tuesday, 2 March 2021

20:30 horas

due to the pandemic, the session takes place online, by Skype




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