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new publications to 2016

The first quarter of 2016 comes loaded with new publications. The latest novel by Mario Vargas Llosa, the new proposal by Javier Cercas or unpublished stories of Truman Capote are just a small sample.

reports Efe, the most anticipated of the year's work five Corners, Mario Vargas Llosa. The book builds a kind of mural from life in Peru during the dictatorship of Fujimori and Montesinos.

But there is much more. Andrea Camilleri, Jonas Jonasson and Julia Navarro also among the authors who publish in this 2016. In its proposals are added, Además, two posthumous novels of Jorge Semprún and Rafael Chirbes: Survival exercises (Tusquets) y Paris Austerlitz(Anagram), respectively.

Highlights on the international scene with John Banville Blue Guitar (Alfaguara); Nobel Patrick Modiano with three unknown and Claudio Magris with It has no place (the latter two of Anagram).

Truman Capote's fans will enjoy the stories and poems of youth Author, to be published with the title early stories (Anagram).


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