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Memory of an island. In the shade of a boval carob tree



Memory of an island. In the shade of a boval carob tree

Josep Joan i Marí “Pep Xomeu”

With illustrations by Antoni Marí “Tirurit”

Foreword by

Joan Tur Roselló

20,00 €


"Memória d'una illa" is a love song to the island of Ibiza and its ancestral rural character. On a tour of the different types of peasant houses or in some memories of a small town where tribute is paid to certain people prominent in memorable events for their selfless work, for the help and collaboration in many activities but which have never had official recognition.

The book also tells us about some silver and gold weddings that have been examples for generations to come, among other aspects. All with plain language but with an evocative and endearing force that makes it an honorable follower of "The Ibiza we no longer have".


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