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As it is traditional, sesión of the Reading Club of Santa Eulalia in the month of August is celebrated in Can Planets, donde, This time, The book chosen is Memoirs of a Mangy Lover, de Groucho Marx.

Although these reports do not reveal any great erotic scandal (unfortunately it, as he says, He would have secured sales) nor infallible recipes for conquest, do provide the reader every page countless times laughing.

No more impertinent or mordant to speak of love Groucho, "Mangy Lover", as he is qualified, not only because of his obsession with women, but above all for his effrontery. Relatarnos not happy with some of his gallantry -condenadas invariably failure-, Groucho a hilarious universal love story is released, or rather sex, "That glorious experience Mother Nature improvised in order to keep up and, occasionally, accosted ».

And try life in show business, of swanky parties, or certain 'Marxist' capital issues view of life, nothing escapes his verbiage caustics.

Interpretation Center of Santa Eulària river is an old country house with a water mill of medieval origin and linked to the river road. It comes from the roundabout into town from Ibiza, where you turn left and continue along the ring road, pass the bridge and when you reach the next roundabout, take the first exit on the right where you can park in a dirt parquin. From there, a pedestrian path about 300 meters leading to the house.


Reading Club

Santa Eulalia

Tuesday, 1 August 2017

Can Planets

20.30 horas



Literary Platform online.

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