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carpenter Alcover Ibiza


el año 2022 marks a century since the birth of the writer Joan Fuster, and also from the last visit made by Antoni Maria Alcover to Eivissa. For that reason, Eivissa celebrates the Fuster Year and the Alcover Year with several activities within the program of 'Illes iliteratura 2022'. These events have been organized by the Institute of Ibiza Studies and the Municipal Library of Ibiza Town Hall.

Celebration of Fuster

carpenter Alcover Ibiza

To commemorate Fuster Year, three acts have been scheduled. The first will take place this Tuesday 27 september, and it will be the conference 'Joan Fuster and my generation'. It will be led by the philologist and writer Vicent Pitarch, and will take place at the headquarters of the Institute of Ibizan Studies.

On the other hand, el martes 25 In October the 'Nosaltres' conference will be held, the carpenters'. in this case, The speakers will be the writers Gemma Pascual and Núria Cardenas, and it will be done in the Municipal Library of the city.

By last, This Thursday 27 In October, the round table 'Joan Fuster read since the 21st century' will be held. Two generations' at the headquarters of the Institut d'Estudis Eivissencs, with Bernat Joan as moderator.

Commemoration of Alcover

Regarding the events scheduled to commemorate the Alcover Year, El sábado 24 In September, the conference 'The men and women of the Malloquin and Ibiza folk tales' was held. Magdalena Gelabert was in charge of the talk.

Además, the next 7 October, the journalist and historian Francesc Rotger will be in charge of 'Holmes Alcover and Doctor Moll in search of words'. This event will be held at the Iivissa Municipal Library.

carpenter Alcover Ibiza

The Fuster Year and the Alcover Year

The celebration of the year 2022 such as the Alcover Year and the Fuster Year commemorate the important role of both authors in the recovery and promotion of Catalan literature and language.. alcove, born in Manacor, It is famous for its collection of Mallorcan rondallas, that allowed the genre to survive and strengthen. On the other hand, carpenter, Valencian, is known, in addition to his fiction work, for his numerous essays dedicated to culture, language and literature in Catalan.


By Maite Vallejo



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