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Francisco Marin Cover Case Demichellis


The first thriller Francisco Marín, set in Ibiza, Amazon razed during the 2018, Con más de 21.000 audience.

Nowadays, After the success achieved with the thriller (English voice thriller) “The case Demichellis”, Francisco Marín He is submerged in writing her second book that repeats setting for the adventures of a detective and a criminal lawyer.

Francisco Marin Cover Case Demichellis

thriller: The case Demichellis, Francisco Marín.

More of 21.000 readers have bought or read online during the 2018 “The case Demichellis”. becoming in the third best-selling e-book on Amazon in Spain during the summer 2018. thus being por in front of other writers bestsellers. In the month August 2018 sold more than 1.900 They read ebooks and other online 1.000 copies. Sand it has maintained throughout the year between 100 best-selling Kindle, that is to say, which he has never dropped a hundred job. It also reached number one on Amazon Italy.

They are a barbaric news for a writer who has just begun to publish. Editions from Ibiza we want to give our most sincere congratulations.

14.000 ebooks sold on Amazon

Of the 21.000 audience, 14.000 copies are direct sales on Kindle. y 7.000 They have read the novel through its subscription Kindle Unlimited.

The author claims that his only ambition is to enjoy writing. He never thought about making money with it. Just type that pleased; and he explains that this victory has made him feel happier than he was before.

Francisco Marín González suspense

Francisco Marín González, author of a bestselling thriller.

Why it has reached the summits this novel of suspense set in Ibiza?

Francisco Marín He believed to be due to the combination of a number of factors including good luck. First he published the novel in desktop publishing (late 2016), on paper, with the small publishing house Atlantis. He sold a 800 copies. Then he tried to Amazon in July 2017, the big surprise coming in October 2017 when the platform included his book in what they call a “Kindle Flash”. Kindle Flash is a special offer from Amazon that reduces the price of four or five titles for one day. And it stood at number one and has maintained more than a year among the best sellers.

Maria V.R.


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