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Ramon Mayol and Gustavo Lucas at the presentation of DESintonía

Photo: Miguel Gonzalez

"OFF-tune: an illogical reality ". At first sight, the title invites you to think that it may be a fantasy book, of parallel worlds at the height of "Alice in Wonderland" or a television series dystopia. But nothing is further from the truth.

Last Thursday, 7 October, Ibiza Editions presented at the Municipal Library of Eivissa a more truthful work than it seems at first sight. It deals with the authentic experiences of a person who suffers from a schizophrenic disorder, such as their conflicts to continue with their normal life or how they recover after the "mismatches" that give the publication its name..

The book publisher, Ramon Mayol,, was in charge of explaining that Johnny Burt is a pseudonym that the writer has used to protect his identity and that of his family. For that reason, the author was not present at the launch of his book. So, to give more details of the creative process of the book, the second speaker of the night was doctor Gustavo Lucas Carbonero, who has known the author for a long time 21 years.

The psychiatrist made an emotional speech about the improvement that Burt has experienced thanks to his literary work and took the opportunity to educate the public about the visibility of mental health. Thanks to his contact with patients of all types and conditions, concluded that something as widespread as psychological problems should not be so remote from public life.

This idea connects with the most repeated slogan during the presentation: "Tomorrow can be you". Before the act, a card with the name of the author was placed on the table of honor as a tribute. Nevertheless, The fact that there was no one behind that poster suggests that many more people than we imagine can make the name of Johnny Burt their own and identify with his challenges.. This book is dedicated to them..


Miguel Gonzalez

Ibiza editions



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