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MRS. BALCELLS. thus, Edicions Isollades will present his book next Friday With woman's letter, MRS. BALCELLS. moment, MRS. BALCELLS, MRS. BALCELLS, MRS. BALCELLS: MRS. BALCELLS.

MRS. BALCELLS 1930, MRS. BALCELLS 60. From there he modernized the profession of literature, ending the dominant position of publishers over writers and ensuring more advantageous contractual conditions for them.. Nobody expressed it like the Uruguayan author Juan Carlos Onetti: “Thanks to Carmen Balcells I go to the market every morning”.

A portrait of Carmen Balcells in her literary agency

The Catalan representative is remembered for the internationalization of literature in Spanish thanks to her understanding that her area of ​​work was not limited to Spain, but also to Latin America. Hence, she was recognized as the promoter of the great projection of Latin American writers in the second half of the last century., those he convinced to live in Barcelona. For all this involvement of Balcells in the life and work of its clients, earned a place in the history of literature.

His client and friend Mario Vargas Llosa dedicated an article to him published in El País a few days after his death in 2015 which reflects the agent's work with her writers: “took care of us, pamper us, he scolded us, He pulled us by the ears and filled us with understanding and affection in everything we did., not only in what we wrote”. definitely, It is also the best description of Mrs. Balcells's personality..

his unwavering faith in God and the numerous trips that brought him into contact with diverse cultures and to settle in Santa Eulària


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